call me the professional third wheeler

I am a huge believer in capturing moments and making them last. Even if it with your phone camera or mine, but photography is one way to freeze a memory and make it last.

I absolutely love what I do, and I cannot believe I have the honor to work with the amazing couples and families I have met during my career. Savannah has been my home for the past 10 years, but I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and was raised in Miami! I moved to Savannah to attend The Savannah College of Art & Design, where I studied Film & TV and Business Management. I later met my husband at church and married a few years later. We now have two golden retrievers, who serve as my assistants throughout the week. They don't do much, but are key components to the operations. 

 I am very rooted in my relationship with Jesus and love to meet others who share my passion for Him. If you don't find me shooting a wedding, I am most likely taking care of kiddos at church. Now if you don't find me in either, I will most definitely be in the Chick-fil-A line or smelling a candle at TJ-Maxx. 

About Ale Santana

The story of the name....

SO! My real name is Alejandra, but very few can say it so I tell everyone to call me Ale, pronounced Allie. 
You can call me Allie, or Ale (ah-leh), Al, whichever is easiest for you! Fun Fact: my first name isn't even Alejandra, it's Saira. Yes, my mom really had it out for me, but my entire family calls me Ale and I prefer it so, here we are! The story is even longer if you ask about my maiden name, but I will save that story for later.